Monday, April 28, 2008

Cancer Treatment With Vitamins

Whenever a new study about cancer is being conducted, people are constantly asking, "Is the total cure for cancer discovered yet?" Cancer is the most severe disease that could hit a person. There are many types of cancers and most of them are terminal. This means that the patient who is suffering from it would eventually succumb to the disease. Cancer occurs when the different cells of the body are invaded and killed by the harmful type of cells called the cancer cells. Right now, studies and research are being directed regarding the use of Vitamin C to cure a person of cancer. It was believed that large amounts of Vitamin C in the body could kill cancer cells. Doctors are currently validating the facts behind this theory.

Vitamin C could either be taken orally or administered through IV. In the different studies conducted in the different parts of the world, it was found out that the people who take Vitamin C as a daily supplement perform lot better than those who didn't take the vitamin at all.

Vitamins do a lot of good to the body. And it is not recommended for cancer patients alone but to all people in general. The nutrients and the health benefits of vitamins are so enormous that they should never be excluded from a person's daily diet.

Vitamin C is not the only vitamin that can help cure a cancer patient. Almost all types of vitamins play an important role. Vitamins A, D, E, and K could definitely help you fight off the complications of cancer and eventually make you feel a lot better than before. The B complex vitamins accounts for a big part as well.

Treat Cancer with vitamin C

A glass of orange juice a day could do cancer-stricken body wonders. Vitamins C can actually shield healthy cells from getting mutated like the other cells in the body. Vitamin C can be a potent guard against cancer. If you have cancer, make sure that your daily meals include different fruits rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin E can help Cancer

Vitamin E is for the body's added protection. Just like Vitamin C, Vitamin E works in protecting cells. It protects the cells from sustaining the damages it could have acquired from some chemical imbalance inside the body. It was even discovered that prolonged intake of Vitamin C makes stronger cells that are more resistant to mutation.

Vitamin A for Cancer

Fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin A can slowly help cancer patient walk towards the road to recovery.

Beta-carotene, the food form of Vitamin A, helps keep cells healthy and stop them from developing cancer.

The actual role of beta-carotene in cancer prevention is still in the evaluating stages. However, you can always take them now to strengthen your position against the disease.

Cancer patients should make it a point to add the required amount of vitamins in their daily diet. They should see to it that they meet and exceed the recommended daily allowances for each nutrient. This is to ensure that the cancer cells are not winning in the battle inside the body and that newer cells are produced to replenish the ones destroyed by the cancer cells.

Cancer is a very serious disease. As such, patients should regular see their doctors to ensure that their health is monitored all the time. Vitamins, no matter how essential they are, are good supplements for the actual medications given by the doctor. They should not, in any way, replace them.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cancer Cure, Prevention, Treatments and Diet

The dream of curing cancer is no longer a dream. Alternative cancer cures are being hushed because drug companies wants no competition. The foremost step to curing cancer is to get as far away from American pharmaceutical medicine as possible! The horrible truth is that curing cancer is no longer about the cure or the patient, but about greed and politics. For instance, doctors prescribe high cost treatments that haven't been tested or uncertain in the effectiveness of curing cancer, and in some circumstances are, without doubt, cancerous themselves.

How long is it going to take before Americans will ultimately stop supporting the cancer industry at the expense of thousands and thousands of lives each year, and begin to be arduous about cancer prevention and the true cures that exist already. Cancer prevention and cures are simply a threat to the cancer industry. The prevention, cure and cause of one kind of cancer also applies to other kinds and possibly all degenerative diseases as well. Cures are now realistic because we have learned what triggers cancer and we also know how to stop these deadly diseases in their tracks.

If you or a loved one are facing a frightening diagnosis of cancer and are feeling pressured into using mainstream conventional treatments, such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, you are not alone. The less you know about cancer, the easier it will be for the cancer industry to manipulate you and seduce you into their system of harmful treatments. Too many people have watched loved ones miserably die after suffering the horrible side effects of toxic conventional methods. More and more are turning to alternative methods instead. The pharmaceutical industry uses their huge amounts of money to pay others to keep quiet and crush the truth about alternative treatments for cancer. Until a medical facility is established that incorporates all potential therapies into individualized treatments, cancer patients, along with their families, must become self empowered and fully educated about their disease. Medical treatments do retard disease progression, but have done little to prolong life.

The AMA tries to discredit all of these alternative therapies and at the same time is making a fortune managing all of these diseases that are easily preventable and curable if people will just turn to therapies like raw or slightly cooked foods and eliminate all animal products and processed foods from their diets. Diet, exercise, reducing exposure to environmental risks and not smoking will greatly improve your over all health. Eating foods of different colors will have a tremendous effect in preventing and curing cancer. Curing cancer is very easy when you make fundamental changes to your diet and lifestyle.

The fiber content of our diets began going down as we began eating more and more refined foods. A high fiber diet moves through the intestines faster and easier and produces a soft stool that is easy to discharge. A low fiber diet, on the other hand, will produce adverse effects. A high fat diet may play a part in the development of particular cancers. An alkaline diet is composed of very little meat and sugar and lots of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet is fat and sodium restricted and high in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A diet lacking in basic nutrients can weaken the immune function and raise the risk of several types of cancer. Natural cancer cures are being squashed because drug companies do not welcome competition. If you are going to be healthy, you must acknowledge your human nature as well as how you interact with the natural world around you.

A variety of alternative treatments exist, although you are unlikely to hear much about it from your doctor. Many of the treatments consist of every day foods. Many cancer cures are accredited to going on a total fruit and vegetable juice diet. Every one should know that most cancer research is mostly a fraud and that large cancer research organizations are dedicated in their duties to the people who support them. After all, natural cancer cures are a curse to Big Medicine, Big Pharmacies and the governments who are heavily under their influence. This is why so many cancer cures are being ignored by the medical profession.

Stay Alert to Cervical Cancer

Every two minutes a woman died because of cervical cancer.

In some countries cervical cancer is the number one cancer occurred to woman. Poor knowledge of women to this cancer is the main trigger of rapid incidence of the disease.

Every woman - without reference to age and background- can be incured by cervical cancer, the cancer that caused by infection of human papilloma virus (HPV).

In Pacific Asia about 266.000 cases of cervical cancer can be found every year, 143.000 of them passed away in productive age.

In developing countries only 41% of patients of cervical cancer will get the treatment which they require to get healing.

Combination of early detection through screening and vaccination can depress the number of occurence of cervical cancer to woman.

Cervical cancer really influences the quality of a woman life and her closest environment: her family. In consequence, each woman has to alert to cervical cancer by knowing the disease, its detection and prevention accurately.

Early Detection
There is no symptom of cervical cancer in early stage. But it can be detected, that is by conducting Pap Smears. The advantage of Pap Smears is to find the cancer earlier so the management will much easier and the woman has a better quality of life.A woman should do Pap Smears one year after she is sexually active, and repeats it regularly every year. There are 100 types of HPV identified and most of them are not harmful and also do not show the symptom. Fourty types of HPV may be contagious through sexual intercourse; they are classified into two groups: HPV causing cancer and low risk HPV.

Every woman is having the risk of being infected by cervical cancer during their life without reference to age and life style. HPV easily infected through skin contact and sexual intercourse. Condom use cannot lessen the risk of spreading HPV.

About 50-80% women are infected by HPV through sexual contact. About 50% of the infection is potencial to grow to be cancer. The risk is started from the very first sexual contact.

Not likely other viruses, if a woman is infected by HPV, it does not mean that she will have immunity to the virus. The woman remains to have risks to get the repeated infection from same or different types of HPV.

Other prevention is conducting HPV vaccination. In this time there is available vaccine of type 16 HPV and type 18 HPV. These types are responsible to 70% cases of cervical cancer in Asia.

Vaccine will improve the ability of immune system to recognize and to kill the virus when it enters the body before the occurance of infection.

Vaccination combined with screening can lessen the risk of cervical cancer better than only screening.