Monday, June 21, 2010

Multi Vitamins For Women Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

We've all heard (time and time again) that a daily vitamin is important in ensuring your body gets the nutrients it needs. One each day is supposed to help improve your overall health and protect against heart disease, perhaps even cancer. Now, a new observational study suggests that this "healthy" habit might actually increase your risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in U.S. women, though the rates have fallen in recent years.

This latest research involved more than 35,000 Swedish women (aged 49-83) who were cancer free and filled out a self-administered questionnaire that asked for information on multivitamin use and other breast cancer risk factors.

The women reported their own use of vitamins, though they didn't provide any information on what brand they took. During the ten years of follow up, 974 women were diagnosed with breast cancer, 293 of these happened to the 9,017 women who said they took multivitamins daily.

The team found that women who reported taking vitamins each day were 19% more likely to have breast cancer than those who didn't take any multivitamin. These findings held even after adjustments were made for things like family history, getting older, body mass index, smoking and alcohol use.

There are lots of multivitamins on the market today. These preparations typically include 3 or more vitamins and dietary minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc) as well as some other nutritional elements.

You can find multivitamins in many forms... tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders and liquid... so you can choose the one that's right for you. Your doctor will tell you that you should never buy a multivitamin that has more of a nutrient than your body can take in - more is not better. Never take more than directed on the label as you risk serious, potentially life-threatening, side effects.

So... how can something that's supposed to be good for you, be trouble?

The researchers aren't sure, but theorize the folic acid that's part of many multivitamin products might increase breast density, and this might stimulate the development of cancer. Other work has linked iron and zinc to increased cancer risk, though there have been studies that showed no association - so the question is still open for debate.

The new research also found that vitamin C, B-6 and E didn't appear to have any impact on breast cancer risk. Calcium, in fact, seems to offer some protection against breast cancer.

Getting essential vitamins from your diet is the best way to give your body the nutrients it needs. If you have concerns about your nutritional status, talk to your doctor about the foods you eat, and the ones you avoid. You might think about taking supplements that address specific deficiencies, instead of a multivitamin that gives you lots of things, many of which you might not even need.

Workplace May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

Important news for women - being exposed to chemicals and pollutants before her mid 30s may greatly increase a woman's risk of breast cancer after she goes through menopause according to a new study. The research involved 556 postmenopausal Canadian women who'd been diagnosed with cancer of the breast between the ages of 50 and 75 years old. There was also a control group of 613 women of the same age group, who were free of breast cancer.

The team measured the women's occupational exposure to almost 300 substances. After accounting for the usual factors linked with an increase risk of breast cancer, the team found a link between breast cancer and some of these substances.

The risk of breast cancer after menopause was highest in the women who'd been exposed to these substances before 36 years old.

The risk went up for each added decade of exposure before this age. So twenty years of exposure... say starting in the teens, would be expected to double a woman's risk.

The exposure to acrylic fibers at work had a seven fold increase risk of cancer of the breast. The risk was almost double among those exposed to nylon fibers. Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (in petroleum products) before the age of 36 tripled the risk of breast cancer according to the study authors.

These finding are consistent with the thinking that the tissue of the breast is more sensitive to harmful chemicals if the exposure occurs when the breast cells are still active - before a woman reaches her 40s. This is also thought to be a factor in the increases in cancer of the breast in developed countries.

The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is one in eight, about 13%, or 13 out of every 100 women over the course of a lifetime.

Your own personal risk may be higher or lower, depending on family history, reproductive history, lifestyle and environment. Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most often diagnosed cancer in American women - one in four cancers are of the breast. As of 2008, there are almost 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. alone.

Experts commenting on the study do express caution. Positive associations like those found between chemical exposure and cancer of the breast can appear just by chance, and will only carry serious weight when supported by evidence from later research. The team also calls for more detailed studies that focus on specific chemicals in terms of risk for breast cancer.

To reduce your risk of breast cancer, whether you've been exposed to any of the substances identified in the research or not, here are some things you can do for yourself...

- Control your weight - being overweight, especially after menopause, increases your risk. More fat in the body produces more estrogen, which is what increases the risk of cancer developing and growing.

- Eat healthy - while no food can keep you from getting cancer of the breast, eating well can make your body strong and healthy, keeping your risk as low as possible. It's a good idea to limit red and processed meats and animal fats (fat in cheese, ice cream and milk). A diet that's low in fat, loaded with fruits and veggies is generally a good bet.

- Exercise - doing 45 to 60 minutes of physical activity on five or more days of the week is key, and evidence is growing that this can reduce your risk of cancers.

- Limit alcohol consumption

- Don't smoke

- Limit stress/anxiety - while there isn't clear proof stress/anxiety can increase your breast cancer risk, anything you do to reduce stress and make your life better plus make your immune system stronger will help.

- Estrogen exposure - through being overweight, drinking too much or taking combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

- Recent oral contraceptive use - using these medications may slightly increase your risk of breast cancer, but only for a short time. If you've stopped taking birth control pills more than ten years ago, you don't appear to have any increase risk.

What Kind of Radiation Should You Choose After Lumpectomy For Breast Cancer?

Just a quarter of a century ago, almost all patients had mastectomy, even if their breast cancer is small. But over the past few decades, it has been demonstrated that for small cancers, lumpectomy followed by radiation treatment is just as good as mastectomy, at preventing breast cancer recurrence. Traditional proven radiation is external beam radiation directed to the entire involved breast for 6-7 weeks, 5 days a week (M Tu W Th F). Depending on the size and extent of the cancer, radiation may include the chest wall and axilla (armpit) on the same side as the involved breast. In some cases, the area treated may also include on the same side supraclavicular lymph nodes (nodes above the collarbone) and internal mammary lymph nodes (nodes beneath the breast bone near the center of the chest).

Recently, some patients with very early small cancers may consider Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI). Instead of treating the whole breast, APBI only delivers radiation to the focal location of the lumpectomy site. This is because most recurrences occur at or near the site of previous cancer. Currently, the most commonly used regimen involves only 5 days of radiation total. A balloon is inserted into the lumpectomy site, in the office with local anesthesia. On the fifth and final day of radiation, the balloon is pulled out. The most established model Mammosite has been used in more than 35,000 women in the United States, and results with 4-year followup data have been good. Despite its convenience, APBI is not for everybody. Some general guidelines exist to determine who is "suitable" for APBI as of 2010. As we gain more knowledge with longer use of this treatment modality, the guidelines may change in the future. The "appropriate" criteria are: patient age 50 or more, unifocal (single) cancer, invasive cancer size no more than 2cm, pure DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) no more than 3cm, total tumor size (invasive and DCIS) no more than 3cm, margins clean of tumor, no lymphovascular invasion seen under microscope, and no cancer spread to lymph nodes. Women with hereditary breast cancer, such as BRCA 1/2 carriers, should not consider APBI.

The above are only general guidelines. Again, it should be emphasized that traditional whole breast radiation is an established treatment with much longer track record than APBI. No two breast cancer patients are exactly alike, and therefore the decision making process is different and unique for each individual person. Regardless of any one else's advice, you should make the choice that you personally will be able to live with for the rest of your life.

Critical Background You Need to Know About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a disease that affects both men and women. Most people don't know that men can get cancer of the breast, too. Breast cancer is not just one disease but a little group of diseases with cells growing out of control. Just about all tumors are really clumps of abnormal cells. Tumor cells often break off and go some other place to form; this is called metastasis (spreading). Even cancer of the breast can spread to other parts of the body.

Tumor size alone does not mean that it is or isn't cancer. Even the smallest tumor can be cancerous and the truth is that by the time a lump is big enough to be found, it has probably been there several years already, growing. Once the body's immune system can no longer handle the cells in the body, the cancer grows out of control and begins to destroy. Today's cancer treatments are based on reducing the cancer cells.

The risks for cancer of the breast include: gender, age, family medical history, ethnic background, alcohol use, weight gain, sedentary life, toxic exposure. There are some that can't be changed like: sex, age, family history, and first period before age 12.

Are there warning signs for breast cancer? Yes; nipple discharge, inverted nipples, and Paget's disease of the breast. Mostly there are no warning signs because early breast cancer doesn't have any pain.

There is more than one type of cancer of the breast, including something called inflammatory breast cancer. Noninvasive cancer of the breast is a cancer that is encapsulated and has not spread. Invasive breast cancer has already begun to spread to other spots in the body. Inflammatory cancer of the breast starts when cancer cells block lymph glands and cells. It causes inflammation of the breast and makes it swollen and tender. It can be mistaken for a breast infection and possibly be overlooked until it has developed more.

Male cancer of the breast is more common in the older men and usually is noticed with a lump in the breast.

The National Cancer Institute is trying to develop a vaccine against breast cancer. It would only be effective in preventing a new cancer from developing. Tests have recently been developed to be able to genetically determine if a person is or isn't prone to cancer of the breast. These would be the people first chosen to be vaccinated.

Many new treatments have been developed in recent years. There have been new types of chemotherapy and radiation treatments developed that don't have the devastating side effects of previous ones.

Early detection through mammograms and special breast scans has saved many thousands of women from death. It is now recommended that women who have a family risk factor get their first mammogram at least by age 30. Government agencies may try to change the recommendations but women must insist on guarding their lives by testing for early detection.

Hearing a biopsy that comes back as positive for cancer of the breast is a devastating sentence for a woman.

Breast Cancer Awareness Pt 1 - Tips For Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast cancer is a terribly frightening illness, that is why taking cautious steps to breast cancer prevention is very important. Worldwide, 1 woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 29 seconds and every 75 seconds 1 woman in the world dies from breast cancer. This is the condition most women fear more than any other disease. This is largely because they think there is nothing they can do about it; they feel powerless and do not understand the power of today's prevention strategies.

Most women know if they want to reduce their risk of osteoporosis they can get enough calcium in their diet they can get some exercise or get enough vitamin D; if they want to reduce the risk of a heart attack they can make sure their cholesterol is not too high and they can also get some exercise. But most women do not think there is anything at all that they can do to help prevent breast cancer but the good news is that is there heaps they can do in efforts to breast cancer prevention. For example make sure that you get enough vitamin D in your body. Vitamin can help reduce the risk of several types of cancers, such as Prostate cancer, Colon cancer, Lung cancer.

Every time our skin is exposed to sunlight the cholesterol in our skin is converted into vitamin D, but for the average person who works indoors they do not manufacture enough vitamin D in their body. You can ask your doctor to do a blood test on you to measure the amount of vitamin D and most people are actually deficient.

If you have dark skin you are going to need to spend more time outdoors than a fair-skinned person will to receive enough sunlight to produce and efficient amount of vitamin D. if you use sun screen this will inhibit your body from being able to produce vitamin D. It is important not to get sun burned, however please remember that some sunlight is vitally important for good health because of vitamin D.

Women who are vitamin D deficient at the time of being diagnosed with breast cancer are 94% more likely to have their cancer spread and they are 73% more likely to die from breast cancer in the next 10 years than women who are not vitamin D deficient. So vitamin D is a vital instrument when it comes to protecting yourself against this disease.

Interestingly, overweight people are commonly vitamin D deficient because it is a fat soluble vitamin; this means the vitamin ends up being stored in their body fat and not their bloodstream where they need it.

Environmental chemicals are a known potential cause of this condition. According to the Silent Spring Institute, in the USA a total number of 216 different chemicals and radiation sources are internationally recognized as causing breast cancer. Have a look at the kind of chemicals you have around your home and chemicals you put on your body; moisturizers, perfumes, shampoo, cosmetics, toiletries, personal care products, insecticides, and cleaning chemicals. A lot of these things contain chemicals called endocrine disrupters or oestrogen mimics. They actually behave like oestrogen in your body; they have a very powerful effect. Oestrogen in excess can fuel the growth of breast tumors.

When it comes to breast cancer prevention you have to stay on top of your game. Not knowing can how to reduce the risk is no excuse because the information is widely available.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What Counts Most When Losing Weight, Reduction in Fats Or Carbohydrates?

During the last thirty years we have blamed various food groups as the problem in weight gain, from starches in foods, breads and lately the fats. The food you consume contains nutrients, fat, carbohydrates and protein. To the surprise of many it is not the amount of food you eat that causes weight gain, but when one of the nutrients plays havoc chemically with our body. The key to weight loss is to eliminate foods that are at fault. Today it is possible, there are so many specialized and varied foods on the market that will have reduced or eliminated the nutrient that is causing the problem.

Many believe fat is the cause of are weight gain. It is broken down into triglycerides and is stored in fat cells by the body. The fat is burned very slowly and only after all other sources of energy are used. This works against weight loss and can lead to heart problems and cancer. Fat is very dense, contains more than 9 calories per gram, twice that of carbohydrates or protein. If we replace it with carbohydrates or protein we can lose weight. Reducing your fat intake will reduce calories. Studies have shown that diets low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol lower blood cholesterol levels lowering the risk of heart disease. The foods we eat today all have labels on them showing the various ingredients so that we can make a wise choice. We should not try to eliminate fat completely because it does provide the body with many vitamins that aid in the absorption of nutrients. There are good and bad fats and ones from vegetable oils and fatty fish are considered necessary.

Some people believe carbohydrates that are consumed in large quantities are the problem. Carbohydrates can make us fat because they force the body to over produce insulin. To keep our blood sugar at optimum levels, the body converts blood glucose from carbohydrates into fat and pushes them into fat cells. It can also prevent the cells from releasing the fat for energy. The carbohydrates can make the body overproduce insulin, our blood sugar goes down and our body tells us to eat more as a result. If the food we intake is a carbohydrate than the cycle of fat retention begins again. We become resistant to insulin and gain weight. The answer is to cut back significantly on carbohydrate use and you will notice a quick weight loss. Over the last twenty years the amount of carbohydrates in our diet along with the percent of calories from them has increased. Much has come from sweetened fruit juices and soft drinks. Interestingly our calorie intake has risen significantly but the calories derived from fat have decreased about 6 percent. That leads carbohydrates to be the problem in many diets. If we reduce carbohydrates our calorie count goes down which causes weight loss. Just like fat we do need some in our diet for energy. The sugar in these products or glucose is required to fuel different parts of the body. Many of these foods are nutritious but make sure you use ones that are low in fat to help your overall health.

The best way for a person to lose weight and to maintain it, is a healthy ratio of fats along with nutritious carbohydrates. Your diet should contain all food groups supplying you the essential vitamins and nutrients needed for a healthy lifestyle. For many it may mean change, which could be a drastic reduction in carbohydrates or fats in their new eating habits. Most people over consume carbohydrates but we are fortunate today in that most foods we purchase at the supermarket are labeled with the contents for us to read. This allows us to avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates or fats.

The author has been using fitness and diet techniques for over 20 years and has a Bsc from Boston University.

Experts back initiative to ensure fair treatment for older cancer patients

A review of recently published research has uncovered significant differences in the standards of treatment of older cancer patients with haematological cancers. Many older cancer patients are not treated as aggressively as younger patients in Europe; experts believe that this is because of ageism, or age discrimination. By 2030, a third of the population will be over 65 years old and 60% of all cancers occur in this population; this figure is expected to increase to 70% in the next 20 years.1,2

ecancermedicalscience announced today the launch of a public health initiative working with experts and patient groups to uncover the reasons why older cancer patients are not getting the treatments they deserve and to make recommendations that will ensure that patients get equal access to treatments, irrespective of age.

The initiative will raise awareness of the impact of social isolation and deprivation in the elderly on their cancer prognosis and the importance of the social care policies for older cancer patients. It will investigate whether we need to develop or adapt tools that assess biological age to assist treatment decisions and identify educational needs for physicians, carers and families to help better management. It will promote changes in clinical trial design, which at the moment typically include patients an average of 10 years younger than the actual patient population. This will be essential for developing the next generation of cancer clinical guidelines specifically for older patients.

Professor Mario Boccadoro, Department of Haematology, University of Torino, Italy, commented, “The situation in myeloma has totally changed. The newer drugs available are improving patient survival, but if you look at this survival according to age, it is in those under 60 years old. Patients over 75 years old are not started on the newer more tolerable treatments, so this improved survival is not seen in this age group yet. The cost to treat older patients in the same way would be no different, but their quality of life would be significantly better. I suspect the elderly are discriminated against.”

Professor Richard Sullivan (Kings Health Partners Integrated Cancer Centre, London), said: “We have to formulate cancer treatment guidelines for the elderly and educate so that these are used far wider than they are now. Clinical research also needs to be re-orientated to encompass the reality of clinical practice where we are seeing ever increasing numbers of elderly patients across the spectrum from the fittest to the most frail. We need more studies in the older patient population, we need assessment tools tailored to each type of cancer, and we need to develop multidisciplinary guidelines for the best treatment strategies based on biology of the patient and the status of their disease not their chronological age.”

Professor Gordon McVie, Managing Editor of ecancer, commented. “I am 65 years old this year. If I get diagnosed with cancer, I am worried that I might not get the treatment that I deserve, and my chances of getting cancer are going up every day. Cancer care of the elderly is a massive issue. No matter what your age, you deserve the best treatments. That’s why we at ecancer are taking on this initiative to ensure we can make a change.”

ecancermedicalscience will start the campaign by conducting a pan-European survey of oncologists and haematologists to explore the psychological and emotional reasons behind why older cancer patients are treated differently. The results of this survey will be published later this year.

Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL); how can we do better with fewer side effects?

Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) was one of the earliest cancers to be successfully treated with chemo/radiotherapy. Although successful, in the majority of patients, this form of therapy is associated with significant toxicity. A number of groups are investigating the possibility of reducing therapy, minimizing toxicity and maintaining a good outcome. A group from Koln (abs no333) will present evidence that 2 cycles, instead of 4, of the standard chemotherapy (ABVD) and a lower radiation dose (20Gy instead of 30Gy) are sufficient to achieve a similar rate of remission and prolonged survival with reduced toxicity.

Another study (abs no1628) demonstrates that all four components of the chemotherapy (ABVD) are necessary. Although the majority of patients are cured when diagnosed with early stage HL, a small proportion of patients does not respond and have a poorer outcome. For this subset of patients, an Italian group (abs no 73) using FDG-PET scanning (a way of scanning the cancer and measuring its metabolic activity) after 2 courses' is able to predict outcome. Therefore patients in the non-responsive group may have their treatment intensified to provide cure.

Multiple Myeloma; now a chronic disease

Multiple Myeloma (MM) is the second most common blood cancer with an incidence of approximately 4-5 new cases per 100.000 people per year. In Europe there were estimated to be 31,883 new cases of MM and 21,677 MM-related deaths in 2002.

One of the major complications in MM is bone involvement by the cancer cells leading to pain and a risk of fractures. The Medical Research Council (MRC group from UK) will report on the benefit of the drug Zolendronic acid compared to Clodronate for the delay of bone disease and prolongation of survival.

Proteasomes are intracellular complexes that break down proteins. Proteasome inhibitors are new and potentially effective drugs in MM and the use one of these, Carfilzomib, in patients with relapsed or refractory MM will be discussed. The results of a large international trial employing classic chemotherapy with the addition of Lenalidomide, a class of drugs called immunomodulators (IMIDs), will be updated.

Italian and Dutch groups will discuss the role of genetic markers in predicting the clinical outcome, following specific treatments.

Maintenance therapy after autologous stem cell transplant remains a controversial issue. Data, derived from a large randomized trial, about the role of Thalidomide in this setting, will be presented. Finally the HOVON group will report on their experience with allogeneic stem cell transplant using a new treatment strategy.

New strategies for patients with Lymphoma

In spite of treatments, which include the humanized monoclonal anti-body Rituximab, a number of patients with a form of Lymphoma called Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLCBL) will relapse. Gisselbrecht et al (abs No 1059) demonstrate a critical role for autologous stem cell transplantation in the management of patients with relapsed DLBCL whose initial treatment included Rituximab.

Visani et al (abs no 469) demonstrate a potentially important role for a new drug, bendamustine, in patients with relapsed lymphoma. They identify a new, and well-tolerated, transplant regimen for evaluation in patients with high-risk lymphoma.

Ruggeri et al (abs no 1699) provide new data demonstrating an important role for umbilical cord blood transplantation in the management of high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children. This approach may be important in treating children with high-risk ALL who lack a family (sibling) or unrelated stem cell donor.

Stadler et al (abs no 1817) explore the role of delayed donor lymphocyte infusion as a strategy for delivering curative immunotherapy in patients transplanted for high-risk leukemia. Their important study demonstrates an encouraging safety profile and a new approach to treatment.

Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT) and immunotherapy

The factors determining the numbers of stem cells mobilized by the cytokine GCSF in normal donors remain undetermined. Martin-Antonio et al (abs no 2096) have identified polymorphisms (inherited differences) in the stromal adhesion molecule VCAM-1, which has a significant impact on the numbers of CD34+ progenitor cells, collected after administration of GCSF. These data may assist in the identification of new stem cell collection strategies.

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Jedema et al (abs no 680) have examined mechanisms of resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. Importantly they identify immunotherapeutic mechanism, which may contribute to the eradication of resistant leukemia stem cells, and potential mechanism of resistance.

Galski et al (abs no 1170) have examined mechanisms of resistance to TKIs in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. They identified a potential role for drugs, which modulate the activity of the multidrug transporter p glycoprotein in overcoming resistance to TKIs and immunotherapeutic killing by NK cells (a type of lymphocyte).

Novel Therapeutic Approaches

Berger et al (abs no 1693) demonstrate clinical activity of a new proteasome inhibitor MLN 9708 in preclinical models of high-risk lymphoma identifying a potentially new treatment modality in this common hematological malignancy in which drug resistance is frequently documented.

Granulocytes (White Cells)

An increased risk of malignant transformation (Myelodysplastic Syndrome, MDS, or Acute Myeloid leukemia, AML) is well documented in patients with congenital neutropenia (CN, people born with an abnormally low white cell count)). Zeidler et al (abs no 1765) identify molecular and clinical factors predicting the likelihood of development of MDS or AML.

Marks et al (abs no 2188) report important data identifying a potential benefit for the use of voriconazole (an anti-fungal drug) as primary prevention of systemic fungal infection in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Throat Cancer Treatment

Throat cancer is one of the cancers which occur in the throat. This is disease is found with different names like vocal cord cancer, throat cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the glottis. This is the cancer which is found in both men and women.

The throat cancer is the cancer which appears in the upper part of the throat. It is the cancer which appears in the throat that is vocal cords, voice box (larynx), or other areas of the throat. This cancer spreads not only occurs in the other parts of the throat also. This is cancer which can occur in both men and women. This cancer involves the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that have mutated from normal tissues. This growth can kill when these cells prevent normal function of vital organs or spread throughout the body, damaging essentials systems.
For more information meet: dr jack
This throat cancer has some alternate names like vocal cord cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the glottis, cancer of the pharynx, vocal cord cancer and others. This cancer as it occurs to the throat and the parts related to it so it is named after it. This cancer also occurs when the normal cells undergo a transformation whereby they grow and multiply without normal controls. This cancer involves tumors on the tonsils, vocal cords, voice box (larynx) and at the base of the tongue.
The main cause for the exposure for this cancer is the consumption of the tobacco that plays a significant role in many of the cases. The causes for this cancer are the heavy smoking of cigarettes, chewing tobacco, excessive use of alcohol is also one of the causes for its occurrence. But if the man is addicted to both smoking and consuming alcohol then he is at higher risk of getting the disease. But this is more occurred in men than women. This disease can occur to any age but mainly occurs to the age group who is above 45 of age. This can be controlled with herbal products Some of the other factors for the occurrence of this cancer are the enlargement of the thyroid gland called chronic goiter. This cause may be due to the radiation exposure and the family history of cancer or the genetic predisposition.

The symptoms of the hoarseness, sore throat, neck pain, difficulty in swallowing, swelling in the neck, unintentional weight loss, cough, coughing up blood, abnormal breathing sounds, numbness or the paralyses of the muscles in the face, swelling of the jaw, shortness of breath, chest pain and many other reasons also. This cancer also has some of the common symptoms like fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, malaise.
The above symptoms are not to be considered as a serious one as these may also be the causes for some of the common health upsets also. But if the person is adult then he has to undergo a medical checkup and have a take care of his health.
The signs and tests can be done when an examination of the neck and the throat may show the cancer of the throat. The symptom may appear bloody or lump on the throat which appears on the outside of the neck. Biopsy and the analysis of tissues that appear abnormal may conform the presence of the cancer tumor.
If you experience any of the above throat cancer symptoms it is advised that you see your healthcare provider for a more thorough check so the proper diagnose and treatment can be apply in the initial stage.
the best way of preventing this cancer is to quit smoking and preventing the consumption of tobacco. Many cancers can be prevented by avoiding risk factors such as excessive exposure to sunlight and heavy drinking. We should cultivate a habit of taking healthy diet that is the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. Keeping the health fit by doing the exercises, meditation, yogasanas, cultivation of morning jog or walk, having the nutritious food in the diet, protecting ourselves from bad atmosphere may make us to be free from the diseases also.
Some people at high risk for developing certain cancers can take medication to reduce their risk. But yet the treatment must be aimed at destruction of the cancer and prevention of its spread to other parts of the body. The treatment of the cancer depends on certain issues like the age of the patient, general health condition, the size of the tumor, extent of the cancer and others.
This is the cancer which may be found at its advanced stage. So it is an urge need that the patient should be careful while choosing the correct physician for his treatment. This treatment is aimed at destruction of the cancer and prevention of spread of the cancer to the other parts of the body. The earlier it is diagnosed the earlier it is treated.
Treatment is aimed at destruction of the cancer and prevention of spread of the cancer to other parts of the body. The earlier throat cancer is diagnosed, the better the prospect of recovery. If the treatment is not given then it can grow and can cause to death. So it is better to get treated at its initial stage. The treatment needs long term recovery but if have a hope of conquering it then you can have it. You should be mentally firmed and be prepared to achieve in curing it.
The people who come to our center have a hope of curing the disease and becoming healthy. We support you with this attitude of yours as we use the alternative supplements which are natural and cure the disease with no side effects with miraculous improvements in your health condition. We make you feel ease and get away from your suffer.

Homeopathy Treatment for Prostate Cancer by Dr Harshad Raval Md Homeopathy India

Prostate cancer and homeopathy treatment.

Prostate cancer is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that results in the formation of a tumor in the prostate gland. Prostate, the walnut sized gland, is a part of the reproductive system which lies deep in the pelvis. It is located in front of the rectum and underneath the urinary bladder and surrounds the urethra, (the urine tube running from the bladder, through the prostate and the penis). It contains gland cells that produce some of the seminal fluid, which protects and nourishes sperm cells in semen and supports the ejaculatory ducts, or sperm tubes. The prostate continues to grow till a man reaches adulthood and is maintained after it reaches normal size as long as male hormones are produced.

Prostate cancer begins most often in the outer part of the prostate. It is the most common cancer in men older than age 50. In most men, the cancer grows very slowly. In fact, many men with the disease will never know they have the condition. Early prostate cancer is confined to the prostate gland itself, and the majority of patients with this type of cancer can live for years with no problems. In some cases, it may spread from the prostate to nearby lymph nodes, bones or other organs. This spread is called metastasis. Most Prostate cancers originate in the posterior prostate gland, the rest originate near the urethra. Often the disease has no symptoms until the disease is well advanced. However, as the tumor grows, it may spread from the prostate to surrounding areas like lymph nodes, bones or other organs. This may result in back pain. Men with prostate cancer may experience any of the following symptoms.

A need to urinate frequently, especially at night;
Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine;
Weak or interrupted flow of urine;
Painful or burning urination or bowel movement;
Difficulty in having an erection;
Painful ejaculation;
Blood in urine or semen; or
Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

It is advised to consult a doctor immediately if you have experienced any of the above symptoms. Men aged 50 and above have the chances of developing prostate cancer. Those who have a family history of prostate cancer should consider screening at age 45.

Prostate cancer can be staged as ‘A,B,C,D’. Stage A and B cancers are curable. Stages C and D are treatable, but their prognoses are discouraging.

Stage A - This is the very early stage without any sysmtoms, in this stage cancer cells are confined to the prostate. It can be identified with PAS tests and Biopsy. This type of cancer is usually curable.

Stage B – In this stage, it is known that cancer is in several places within the prostate. It is detectable by PAS.

Stage C - In this stage, cancer cells can be found throughout the prostate as well as near by tissue or the bladder. This stage is determined by Digital Rectal Exam, or CT/ MRI scans, and/or Sonography. Some Stage C cancers are curable.

Stage D : At this stage, cancer has spread beyond the prostate and nearby lymph nodes, distant bones, organs such as liver, lungs and also to other tissues. This is usually determined by bone scan, Prostascint scan or other studies. Stage D cancer is not curable but treatable.


Treatment depends on individual circumstances such as the man’s age and general health, extent of the cancer etc. Elderly patients with minor sysmptoms., early stage cancer, or coexisting illness may be treated conservatively.

There are many different ways to treat prostate cancer. It is advisable to get advise from two or more doctors before making a final decision about the treatment. Treatment includes Prostatectomy and Hormone Therapy or anti-antrogen drugs, Chemotherapy and Radio Therapy.

Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy, is used either alone or in combination with surgery or radiation. It is based on the fact that prostate cancer cells frequently use the male hormone , testosterone as a Fertilizer and the absence of this hormone may lead to the death or weakening of prostate cancer cells. So It is used to stop the production of testosterone hormone and hence a person with Stage C and D cancer can have their life extended and improved by the use of hormonal therapy.

There are side effects associated with Hormone therapy. They include hot flashes, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, decrease in muscle mass and strength, personality changes, decreased mentation and osteoporosis.

Prostatectomy : Patients in good health and under age 70 is usually offered surgery as a treatment option. Various types of surgical procedures are done depending on the stage of prostate cancer and patient’s over all health.

Prostatectomy is the most common treatment option for localized prostate cancer. It involves surgical removal of prostate gland and some other near by tissues and reattaching the urethra and bladder. It will prevent further spread of the cancer. If the prostate cancer is in the early stages, prostatectomy can treat the cancer completely. This is done either through a surgical incision in the lower abdomen or the space between the scrotum and rectum.

These procedures also produce side effects like impotency, Urinary incontinence, narrowing of the urethra and difficulty in urination.

Radio Therapy: It is a form of treatment which uses high levels of radiation to kill cancer cells or keep them from growing and dividing thus reducing damage to healthy cells. It is more effective for early stage prostate cancer.

Good nutrition is an important part of recovering from the side effects of radiation therapy.

Slight skin changes will be visible after radiation. Skin may become red, swollen, warm and sensitive, as if in a sunburn but it is temporary. The long term effects include, slight darkening of the skin, enlarged pores, increased or decreased sensitivity of the skin and a thickening of tissue or skin.

Chemotherapy: It is a combination of drugs which is effective to kill or slow the growth of rapidly multiplying cells. Chemotherapy is usually prescribed to men with advanced prostate cancer. Chemotherapy drugs are carefully controlled in both dosage and frequency so that cancer cells are destroyed while minimizing the risk to healthy cells. As the drugs circulate throughout the whole body, they can effect the healthy cells also.

The side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lowered blood counts, reduced ability of the blood to clot, and an increased risk of infection.


CROTALUS : cancer with haematuria.

CONIUM : On every emotion, with itching of prepuce.

SEPIA : discharge during stool.

KALI BHICH : pain during chronic prostates.

SILICEA : While straining at stool.

NITRIC ACID : Discharge after stool.

NUX VOMICA : discharge during stool.

THUJA : When the discharge is greenish and thick.

STAPHISAGRIA : prostatic discharge after sexual excesses.

SELENIUM : discharge during stool.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C)