Thursday, August 26, 2010

Understanding the Direct Relationship Between your Diet and Cancer

Although the impact is difficult to measure, it is evident that diet is a factor when considering most, if not all types of cancer. Furthermore, diet may also be effective in preventing cancer. There is no concrete explanation of the relationship between cancer and your diet; however it would be obviously beneficial to maintain a well-balanced and nutritious diet. The insight regarding the diet- cancer link first appeared in 1913. Until recently, the phenomenon had been amazingly ignored. The scientist became involved, mainly with the assistance of animals, to determine the relationship. Coincidently, the risk for cancer will certainly decrease if you were to consistently eat healthy meals as well as take vitamin and/or mineral supplements. It is extremely important to live a healthy lifestyle.

There are obvious techniques that people should live by such as regular screening and self-exams that is crucial for identifying potential cancer cells. Healthcare physicians recommend that you actively practice these techniques, yet you must also obtain knowledge of the risk factors that contribute to cancer. For many years, the National Cancer Institute has promoted a program that encourages Americans to eat more fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately, 60%-70% of cancer is the result of dietary risk factors. Extensive research has also concluded that one-third of cancer deaths within the United States are due to nutritional factors.

The suggested risk factors include being overweight or obese, having a low intake of fruits and vegetables, low physical activity and smoking or alcohol abuse. Therefore, cancer is believed to be related and associated with an individual’s lifestyle. Specifically, the American Cancer Society has estimated that women who are 40% or more over the ideal body weight have a 55% greater cancer risk. Contrarily, the men who are 40% over weight have a 33% greater risk. Ironically, it has been noted that cancer occurs at different rates in different countries. This merely suggests that people from different countries have different eating patterns.

No matter what the consensus is on the relationship between diet and cancer, fiber is actually agreed upon as one of the most important preventive measure to cancer. With an increase in fiber intake, it is possible to consume less fat and calories. The fiber-rich foods enhances the intensity of our diets and contributes to satiety. You are able to obtain fiber in a variety of ways. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits and grains. These items are discharged in two categories: soluble and insoluble. Ideally, it is recommended to increase the intake of breads, cereals, legumes (beans and peas) and of course, more fruits and vegetables.

Although it is highly sensitive at this point, the American Institute for Cancer Research has identified foods that are promising for preventing cancer. First of all, the institute suggests that beans and legumes may lower risk of prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer. Berries are expected to lower the risk of skin, bladder, and lung or breast cancer. More over, the cruciferous vegetables possibly lower the contingency for lung, stomach, colorectal, prostate and bladder cancer. Cancer of the bladder, colon, stomach, pancreas and esophagus may be prevented by consuming green tea. Finally, prostate cancer may be avoided by eating tomatoes. Additionally, it is suggested by the American Institute for Cancer Research that consuming whole grains may lower the risks for all cancers.

In conclusion, there are five dietary guidelines that may save your life from Cancer. It is recommended that you eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. And again, you should eat high fiber foods to include limiting the fat intake. You should always stay or become physically fit. Last, but not least, limit the consumption of alcohol. Bottom line, improving your diet and overall lifestyle generally protects your body against cancer.

Cancer – One in Two Men and One in Three Women Will Get It. What to Do?

There is nothing that puts more fear in people than a diagnosis of Cancer. Statistically speaking, we now have one in two chances (male) or one in three chances (female) of getting cancer before the end of our life (American Cancer Society statistics for the year 2003). At the beginning of the 20th century, statistics gave us one in 500 chances of getting cancer.

All cancers considered, if you have a primary cancer (in one location only) the most optimistic statistics only give you 28% chances of recovery. If you have metastatic cancer (in more than one location) then your chances of recovery are 0.1% or in other words, one chance in one thousand to recover – (statistics from Dr Philip Binzel book “Alive and Well” published by American Media).

The news is bleak to say the least. However, as we will see later on, this need not be the case.

Ever since I can remember, I have read newspaper articles, heard claims on TV or radio, reporting new “wonder” cures on the war against cancer. Victory against this terrible disease was, according to these reports, just around the corner. Why is it then that so many people are still dying from this disease? Are the 600 UK cancer charities (The largest UK charities being Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Cancer Research Campaign and Institute of Cancer Research) lying to us?

The “American Cancer Society” is the richest charity in the world. All debts paid, it would still have half a billion dollars in the bank!

Linus Pauling, the winner of two Nobel prizes, seemed to think so when he said: “Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”

What is Cancer?

Modern researchers have for many years been exploring the virus connection at a cost of billions of dollars and pounds. The pitiful result is that “no cancer that was incurable 25 years ago is curable today and that, for the most common cancers that kills 90% of patients today chemotherapy is no better than snake oil” (The Cancer Handbook. What Doctors don’t tell you publication. By Lynne Taggart).

When you are diagnosed with cancer, what the doctor is really saying is that you have one or several tumours in your body and that at least one of the tumours contains some cancer cells. They see the tumours as the enemy that has to be fought and destroyed and all their efforts are directed against eradicating the tumours.

What is a tumour though? A tumour is only a symptom; it shows that something has gone wrong in your body and that your immune system is no longer available to fight it. Many researchers claim that we all have tumours in our body and that several times in our life we get cancer. However, we do not all die from cancer. The reason is that our body’s defence mechanism spring into action when a tumour is formed and gets rid of it or at least neutralises it. If cancer cells are beginning to form, these are killed off by our immune system and all is back to normal.

However if for some reason our immune system is severely deficient and we are unable to fight off the formation of the cancerous cells, then disease spreads.

What needs to be done to fight the tumour is not so much to remove it (surgery), burn it (radiation) or poison it (chemotherapy) as all these will weaken our immune system (damaging both our liver and kidneys to a point where it is difficult for our body to fight off any health problem). But to find out why the tumour formed in the first place and remove the cause.

Fighting it according to Dr Binzel is no good, our body now has in its memory the recipe to form tumours and uses the negative ingredients we feed it with to form new tumours and it will rarely stop doing so unless we remove the cause. The lack of positive ingredients (Vitamins, minerals and essential enzymes) to fight off the tumour is just as important.

Let me compare this reasoning with the simple example of a tooth infection. There is no point in taking painkillers to fix the tooth. I grant you that they will probably relieve the pain but I profess that they will not cure the tooth. What needs to be done is to get rid of the infection with antibiotics or have the tooth removed.

What do cancer cells feed on?

Several factors such as diet, negative emotions/ stress and environmental toxins are usually responsible for the development of cancer. Dietary speaking, cancer cells need food to survive. Dr Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for scientifically proving that cancer feed from the fermentation of sugar:

“in cancer cells [the feeding] is replaced by an energy-yielding reaction of the lowest living forms; namely, a fermentation of glucose” (quoted in prevention – May 1968).

According to Macrobiotic medicine theory, cancer cells also feed on animal protein (all types of meat, especially chicken but also very much on dairy, eggs etc..)

Detecting cancer

Currently, surgeons often perform a biopsy when cancer is suspected. A biopsy is a way of extracting a quantity of matter from a tumour and test it to see if it is cancerous. The problem with this method is that if the tumour is cancerous and the tumour is punctured, there is a definite risk that the cancerous liquid will spread to surrounding cells and spread the cancer around the body (Roger Delin – medical analyst – Philippines.

Breast cancer is often diagnosed using a mammogram. The main manufacturer of mammographic equipment is a company called “Smarlight Mammographics”. They state: “We expected error rates to be around 30%, but the wide range of results (10%-90%) was an eye-opener.” Amazing admission from the largest manufacturer of what is considered as the ultimate test to detect breast cancer. Unbelievable !

It is interesting to learn that autopsies have shown that many undetected cancers were present in the body of people who died from other causes. This makes a mockery of medical statistics and confirms that in fact a substantial number of cancers are never detected and do not obligatorily cause death.

A Swedish study has revealed that 15% of major cancers were not revealed before death and around half were of a type normally considered fatal (ref: wddty).

Modern approach and progress on cancer

The modern approach to treat cancer is surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormones and immunotherapy. The percentage of oncologists (cancer doctors) who would not participate in chemotherapy trials is an alarming 75% (due to its toxicity).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Walking tall, the 6-year-old girl whose cancer was cured in three hours

Darya Egorova

Recovering: Darya Egorova had faced the threat of having her leg amputated

Diagnosed with bone cancer, Darya Egorova faced the very real threat of having a leg amputated.

Less than a year later though, the six-year-old is back on her feet and free of the disease - thanks to a revolutionary procedure that took only three hours.

She has become the first person in Britain to have a cancerous bone removed, treated with very high doses of radiotherapy and reinserted all in the same hospital.

Her family, who are from Russia, were distraught when they were told the options available in their home country for their daughter, who loves sport and dancing.

But a charity stepped in to fund the new procedure in Britain.

Last night Darya's mother Irina, 41, said: 'Given the surgical options my daughter was offered outside the UK, what surgeons have done is truly a miracle.

'We came here full of fear but we received such kindness and generosity from the British people. We are eternally grateful.'

Darya was able to attempt to walk with crutches only two days after the operation, and left hospital within a week. Until now, doctors have had to send bone tumours by motorbike to another hospital to be treated before putting them back.

Now, the Harley Street Clinic in London has the facilities to carry out the full operation in one place. The move shortens the procedure by at least an hour and means less risk of complications and pain.

Darya, who was diagnosed with cancer last autumn, could have had the tumour removed in Russia-but this would have meant a larger piece of bone being removed, leaving her ankle immobile.

The £70,000 operation was funded by Russian cancer charity Grant Life.

Four inches of bone - including a two-inch tumour - was removed from the shin bone of her lower right leg. After half an hour, it was replaced without the tumour.

Over the next two years, healthy bone will grow through the dead bone and bring it back to life.

How the surgery worked graphic

Praise for Daily Mail cancer article

The Daily Mail often gets it in the neck for its alarmist stories and features on cancer. (There's even a Facebook group listing its many tales).

But the latest Mail article on the subject, What REALLY raises the risk of breast cancer? We asked an expert to weigh up the evidence on the various theories has been praised by the World Cancer Research Fund.

WCRF's head of communications, Richard Evans, pays tribute to the Mail for running an "informative piece that will hopefully make a real difference in giving women the information they need to reduce their breast cancer risk."

It followed a WCRF press release revealing that UK breast cancer rates are four times higher than those in eastern Africa.

Evans says the Mail "worked with our colleagues at Cancer Research UK to look at different lifestyle factors that have been reported as increasing breast cancer risk."

The resulting article "gets across the message that women can reduce their breast cancer risk by maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, reducing the amount of alcohol they drink and breastfeeding their children."

Sources: WCRF blog/Daily Mail