Thursday, March 25, 2010

Early hair loss 'may reduce cancer risk in men'

bald man

Men who lose their hair at an early age may have a reduced risk of cancer, a survey has revealed.

Research from the University of Washington School of Medicine has found that men who begin to lose their hair at 30 are less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Dr Helen Rippon, head of research management at the Prostate Cancer Charity, told the BBC: "Clearly, the age at which a man begins to lose his hair is unfortunately not a risk factor for prostate cancer over which he has any control.

"However, if these results are correct, they could be useful in providing us with a greater understanding of how testosterone behaves in the body and how it can affect different tissues."

According to the study the men were up to 45 per cent less likely to develop the cancer.

It is thought that the findings stem from a link between the chemical which causes balding, dihydrotestosterone, and the amounts of testosterone found in the body.

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