Friday, March 14, 2008

How To Stop Lymphoma Ruling Your Life

Being diagnosed with lymphoma will be incredibly stressful and when treatment starts it may be that you are at the hospital five days a week for up to eight weeks at a time. Obviously this is going to put immense pressure on both you and your family and so the times in between treatment courses should be enjoyed as much as possible so that your lymphoma doesn’t completely take over your life.

You may want to book your dream vacation or visit all the places you have always wanted to see. Life is short at the best of times and being diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease means that your life may be shorter than normal, thus you should try to fit in as many fun times as you can while you can.

You don’t have to travel around the world to have fun – a day in the park or a trip to the wildlife sanctuary can also be a lot of fun, especially when you take your family, and spending time with your loved ones will often give you the extra strength you need to fight your disease. As you continue with your treatment you may find that you get tired more quickly but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to have fun. Playing board games with friends and family can create a lot of laughter and this in itself will help to lift your spirits.

Maybe you could take up a new hobby that gets you out of the house a few times a week and allows you to make new friends that don’t know about your lymphoma. Just feeling and acting normal will help you to forget about your condition for a couple of hours and you may also meet people who give you a new perspective on life so that some of your stress becomes easier to cope with. Do something you have always wanted to do – learn to sail, ice skate or dance; whatever makes you happy. At the end of the day it is your life and you should do whatever you want to do, even if it is out of character or a little bit silly!

Try new foods and visit new restaurants or alternatively learn to cook exquisite meals for you and your family. If cooking isn’t for you then find your own passion and go with it. It doesn’t matter if you embarrass yourself or if you find you’re not a natural – who cares, just have fun with it. Your lymphoma is going to be an important part of your life, as is your treatment, however your state of mind and your happiness are also very important factors and they may help in your recovery.

Do whatever you need to do to stay positive and if this means having copious amounts of fun then so be it. Everybody has something that they find enjoyable however highly energetic activities should be restricted to once or twice a week – after all you don’t want to have to convalesce in bed for weeks on end because you went mad and decided to climb your favorite mountain in two days flat! Just be sensible and if all else fails, have fun.

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