Monday, March 31, 2008

Skin Cancer On Nose

Areas of the body that are commonly exposed to the sun are the most likely areas where you may develop a form of skin cancer. It is almost impossible for the face, and nose in particular, to not be exposed to the sun unless you wear a veil or mask all the time. This is not really practical in many societies and consequently the nose is often afflicted by skin cancer.

The good news about this is that it is generally easy to detect a change in the nose, be it a lump, sore or blemish because the face is one part of the body that everybody examines on a regular basis. This means that early detection of sin cancer on the nose is almost always certain and can be treated with maximum effectiveness.

The bad news is that you are not the only one that will notice a sore on the nose, and it may become a source of embarrassment to you when other people notice it. This may lead to self esteem issues and other psychological problems. Although these are valid problems that should be dealt with, treating the nose of a potentially fatal disease is the utmost priority. Telling people about the condition is a good way to raise the awareness of a disease that it becoming more prevalent.

However, it is necessary that you take action quickly when it comes to skin cancer on your nose. Even if it is a benign cancer it can look bad and if it is a melanoma it can spread to other parts of the body and treatment becomes far more problematic.

The first thing you should do if you feel like you have one of the warning signs for skin cancer on the nose is to go see your local dermatologist or general physician immediately. As with any cancer, the sooner you catch it - the better. And it is always best to get cancer surgery, if necessary, before the cancer grows to a larger, more noticeable size. Your doctor will be able to walk you through all of the information that you need, so do not be worried about not knowing what the proper procedures will be to cure you of your cancer.

Most often, your skin cancer will be destroyed by a freezing or can be cut out with a hot knife. Only persistent cancers such as malignant melanoma and larger sores attributed to the other two types of skin cancer will require surgery - and even then, the surgery is very quick and easy. All in all, if you have skin cancer on nose, no matter which kind of cancer it is, chances are that your doctor will choose to use the least invasive method possible in order to cure your cancer correctly the first time without causing noticeable scarring.

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